Tag Google

Επισκευή Smartphone TheFixers

Google is moving forward with the production of foldable smartphones, which are expected to be released this year.

It is almost certain that by the end of 2021, Google Pixel will have released its foldable smartphone, potentially named Google P...

Blog TheFixers

Google Search: What did the Greeks search for the most in 2020?

Λίγο πριν αποχαιρετήσουμε το 2020 ήρθε η στιγμή για το Year In Search 2020 της Google! Κάθε δευτερόλεπτο που περνά, εκατομμύρια ά...

Blog TheFixers

Google highlighted the top app of 2020

As every year, this December, Google “witnessed” which were the most popular games and applications for smartphone th...

Blog TheFixers

New look for Google’s email service

Google is redesigning Gmail to make it even more appealing and to incorporate new, advanced features. Naturally, designing such a...

Blog TheFixers

Shoploop by Google: Online shopping through video

The Google has launched a new, fun platform, which is designed by the Area 120 team, aiming at online shopping through video. ...

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