Microsoft made announcements regarding Windows 11 at its live digital event. The most significant of all was probably the one that stated that Windows 11 will now be able to run and manage Android apps.
At first hearing, some might think that Windows 10 has had this feature for some time, but things are not exactly like that. Windows 11 will now be able to run exactly the same Android device applications.
With this new feature of the upcoming Windows from Microsoft, users will remain permanently connected to the apps they love and will utilize them with all the capabilities and conveniences offered by a computer. Android apps will be available through the Windows 11 Windows Store and the connection to Android devices will be made using Intel Bridge technology.
Microsoft, making them even more enticing, offers the ability to display app windows in several sizes and shapes. Also, the user will be able to place them on the side, pinning them or split the screen in half, providing them with the best possible app experience. Android apps come to Windows 11 through Microsoft’s collaboration with Amazon.
So, Amazon App Store users will be able to find all the apps, both from the Amazon Store and from the computer’s Microsoft Store. The company showed TikTok as an example and how smoothly it operates in Windows 11, which will of course apply to other Android applications as well.
Windows 11 is expected to be released towards the end of 2021, although there is no official announcement of the date from Microsoft.
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