Make your windows run “smoothly” with three simple moves

The Windows 10 by Microsoft, is the company’s attempt to follow the logic of “rolling” upgrades, and will occupy us in the next period. As they have at their backs the compatibility record of all previous versions of Microsoft’s operating system, they will confront users with a series of common problems, the most significant of which is speed.

If Windows start to weigh down and the functions of the PC significantly slow down, do not rush to take drastic measures such as format and reinstallation but give an extra boost with the following simple tips.

1. Stop the automatic executions

Prevent computer programs from forcing Windows to “load” some functions during startup. This happens to make these particular programs run faster when you want, but it can significantly delay the start or reboot of your computer.

How to do it: Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to go to the Task Manager window. Select the Startup tab to see all programs that start with Windows. Then select the Disable key to deactivate that specific function.

2. Give some space to the disk

Windows work better when they have free space. If your disk (none other than C) is full, make sure to free up some space for temporary files and virtual memory.
How to do it: Move personal files such as photos, videos, movies, etc. to empty the disk. Additionally, you can let Windows free you from temporary files from old updates, which usually occupy many gigabytes.

Follow the path Start → Windows Administrative Tools → Disk Clean-up, select disk C and then select Clean up system files. You are very likely to be impressed by how many Megabytes you will save with this simple process.

3. Reduce the eye-candy

With the term Eye-candy, we describe the effects and various animations that make Windows look more attractive. While they are pleasant to the user’s experience they do not actually serve in functionality contrary they may reduce its performance. For this reason, you can disable them.

How to do it: With a right-click on the Start button select “System” →“System Info” →“Advanced System Settings”. In this window follow the options “Advanced” →“Performance” →“Settings”. At this point, select the “Visual Effects” tab and disable them or select “Adjust for best performance”.

For any other question related to your computer’s operating system, you can just contact a specialized technician from The Fixers team.
