Can the iPhone14 save your life? – Indeed, it can….

iPhone 14 |

The word “pioneer” is synonymous with Apple! The company is fiercely pursuing innovation and that is why it remains at the top. However, it seems that this time it takes care of something more important, the life of its product users themselves!

Specifically, as the American giant announced, the new iPhone14 has the “Crash Detection” application; which recognizes the case when a driver is involved in a car accident, thanks to its built-in accelerometer that can measure forces up to 256g, and an advanced gyroscope.

What can the incredible app of iPhone14 do

According to Apple, the sensors present in the device -which relate to these- cooperate with the built-in barometer, microphone and GPS system. When they record deceleration forces and sounds matching those developed in the event of a collision.

Automatic emergency call

When this happens, the iPhone 14 makes an automatic emergency call even in the event that the driver or passengers have lost their senses or are trapped and cannot reach their mobile phone.

The “Crash Detection” app also works with Apple Watch someone wears on their hand, where the “emergency call interface” indication appears in case of a collision.

Test upon test

The “Crash Detection” application was developed and created after more than one million hours of testing under real-road conditions. In fact, for its completion, the company used many data from vehicle collision analyses, in order to cover as wide a range of cases as possible and to be reliable.

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