Payment methods for online eShop orders
a) Payment by Credit Card:
THEFIXERS online store accepts all Visa and Mastercard credit cards. Transactions are protected by online security systems (SSL-256 bit and digital certification by Verisign, Inc.) which guarantee a secure trading environment. For purchases with your credit card, follow the instructions in our online store. You will be asked to fill in the order form and the number and expiry date as well as the 3-digit number (CVV). You must be present when receiving your order with your credit card and ID for identification purposes. The order cannot be picked up by a third party who presents the credit card and wishes to pay with it. In case the order is made in the details and on behalf of a company then the credit card you use must be corporate. When receiving the order, the company credit card holder must also be present, with their card and ID.
b) Cash on delivery – delivery to your place:
You can pay the partner of our company, with the delivery of your order to your place. According to the applicable tax provisions, documents worth more than €500 (including VAT) to individuals (Retail Receipt) and to professionals/businesses (Sales Invoice) should ONLY be paid by deposit / transfer to a bank account or debit to a credit or debit card card.
c) Payment of your order at a THE FIXERS store
You can pay for your order with cash on collection at a THEFIXERS store. If you choose to pay for your order with a credit card, we inform you that the charge will be made in the store and you must have your credit card and ID with you.
d) Bank deposit
You can prepay your order to one of the following Bank accounts, and then send us the copy of the payment to Once we receive the payment copy, we will process your order.
PIRAEUS IBAN : GR78 0171 9080 0069 0814 6920 105
e) Payment via klarna
In order to offer you Klarna’s payment methods, we may transmit personal data during checkout such as contact and transaction data with Klarna, in order for Klarna to assess whether you meet the conditions for its payment methods and to provide you with specialized methods payments. Your personal data is processed based on Klarna’s privacy policy.
f) Payment by TBI bank (3-60 installments without card & 100% online).
Choosing bank as a payment method tbi , you are transported to its safe environment tbi bank. Through an easy and short process, you will be able to purchase the products of your choice with financing. Learn more at Buy now pay later BNPL Flexible Finance – tbi bank.