We reveal everything about the battery recalibration in iOS 14.5

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The new iOS 14.5 from Apple brings several major changes and new, interesting features. Among them stands out the battery recalibration on the iPhone 11, which allows users to better manage peak performance capabilities and their battery life. Furthermore, it provides a better picture of the maximum battery capacity and promises to fix rapid exhaustion. In special cases, it even forewarns of the immediate need to visit the nearest TheFixers store for replacing an iPhone battery!

Επισκευή iPhone TheFixers

The new feature from Apple is available on iPhone 11 and later models. Read below to see how it works.

  • Upon installing iOS 14.5 on the iPhone 11, the battery recalibration process automatically starts. The first “diagnosis” will take a few weeks. It will immediately fix incidences of the battery rapidly running out and in some cases the reduced peak performance capability.
  • To check the current battery state, go to the Settings and select Battery > Battery Health.
  • After installing the new software, a notification will appear on the mobile screen informing you that the process will last a few weeks by collecting data from the upcoming charging cycles.
  • According to Apple’s instructions, as soon as the process is completed, the previously mentioned indication from the main Battery health screen is removed and accordingly, the renewed maximum capacity and peak performance value is displayed.

In case the result of the process indicates a worn battery, a new message will notify users that a visit to an authorized repair center is recommended.
