Apple shared advice and tips to iPhone owners

Επισκευή iPhone από τους TheFixers |

The company proceeded with the publication of some tips for the users of their products, in order to inform them about some hidden features. These tips are addressed both to new iPhone owners and to older ones. Below are the ten tips for the iPhone from Apple’s mouth:

  1. In the calculator you can erase a wrong number you have written, without having to zero the whole action. Just swipe right or left at the top of the screen.
  2. iOS 15 offers the ability to pin links and useful content that has been received through messages, for easy access later.
  3. You can “stack” widgets on the home screen. All you need is that they are the same size and you push one onto the other during the editing of your home screen.
  4. You can easily transfer photos to other apps. All you need is to hold them and change your app while still holding them.
  5. Create shortcuts on the keyboard from the option in Keyboard>Text Replacement settings. Thus, for example, “omw” can automatically become “on my way”.
  6. Open the camera without unlocking your iPhone, simply by swiping to the left on the lock screen.
  7. You can scan documents from the notes app, by pressing the camera button on a note, and then scanning the document.
  8. With iOS 15, you can copy and paste text from the “real world” using the camera app. Press the scanning button when the phone is pointed towards a document, billboard etc.
  9. Go to the first photo of your photo album, simply by pressing the top of the screen.
  10. Open the search bar directly from the home screen, by swiping down from the center of the screen.

So, if you are an iPhone owner, the above tips come straight from Apple, to facilitate the use of your mobile. For any other tech advice, visit TheFixers’ blog daily and stay informed about what’s new.
