Tag Apple

Αυτό ίσως εξηγεί γιατί η Apple έκανε το iPhone 16 τόσο καλό

Αυτό ίσως εξηγεί γιατί η Apple έκανε το iPhone 16 τόσο καλό

Η Apple έκανε μια κίνηση με τη σειρά iPhone 16 που εξέπληξε πολλούς. Ενίσχυσε το βασικό μοντέλο περισσότερο από ποτέ, αφήνοντας λ...

Apple Intelligence στα iPhone: Έρχεται από 28/10

Apple Intelligence στα iPhone: Έρχεται από 28/10

Τα iPhone 16 κυκλοφόρησαν τον Σεπτέμβριο, αλλά παρόλο που η Apple είχε ανακοινώσει το Apple Intelligence, τα τηλέφωνα δεν το περι...

iPhone 17 Pro: Το νέο χρώμα που θα παρουσιάσει η Apple

iPhone 17 Pro: Το νέο χρώμα που θα παρουσιάσει η Apple

Η Apple έχει καθιερώσει την πρακτική να λανσάρει νέα χρώματα για τα iPhone της, ακόμα και για τα μοντέλα Pro, τα οποία συνήθως έχ...

iPhone 17 Pro: Θα χρησιμοποιεί το 2nm chip της Apple το 2025

iPhone 17 Pro: Will use Apple’s 2nm chip in 2025

Apple is expected to launch its first chip made with 2nm technology in 2025, in sync with the release of the iPhone 17 in the fal...

Apple Watch: Η λειτουργία ανίχνευσης υπνικής άπνοιας πιστοποιήθηκε από τον FDA

Apple Watch: The sleep apnea detection function has been certified by the FDA

The FDA gave its approval for the operation of Hearing Aid on AirPods Pro 2 a few weeks ago, and now also certifies the ability t...

Σοβαρά προβλήματα με το iPadOS 18 στα iPad – Η Apple απέσυρε την ενημέρωση

Serious problems with iPadOS 18 on iPads – Apple has withdrawn the update

Apple has released iPadOS 18 to iPad users, aiming to bring new features and upgrades to their devices. However, the rollout of t...

iPhone 16: Ημερομηνία Προ-παραγγελιών στην Ελλάδα

iPhone 16: Pre-order Date in Greece

Apple officially unveiled its four new devices in the iPhone 16 series, which include iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, a...

iPhone 16 Pro: Επίσημη Παρουσίαση με Μεγαλύτερη Οθόνη, Camera Control Button, AI και Τσιπ A18 Pro

iPhone 16 Pro: Official Presentation with Larger Screen, Camera Control Button, AI and A18 Pro Chip

At the event “It’s Glowtime”, Apple unveiled the new iPhone 16 Pro which comes with a bigger screen, a new Camera Control button ...

iOS 18: Ημερομηνία Κυκλοφορίας και Υποστηριζόμενα iPhones

iOS 18: Release Date and Supported iPhones

During the special Apple Event, where the new iPhone 16 series was introduced, the much-anticipated software upgrade announcement...

Σύγκριση Διάρκειας Ζωής Μπαταρίας iPhone 16 – iPhone 15: Πάνω από 1 Ώρα Επιπλέον Διάρκεια για Όλα τα Νέα Μοντέλα

Comparison of Battery Life iPhone 16 – iPhone 15: Over 1 Hour Extra Duration for All New Models

With the new iPhone 16 series, Apple has improved the battery life compared to the iPhone 15 models, offering at least one more h...


Apple intends to emphasize the promotion of the iPhone 16 Pro Max more than any other model.

The new iPhone 16 series is expected to be unveiled on September 10 this year, according to rumors. The Elec reveals informati...

Νέος Δωρεάν Εξομοιωτής για iPhone και iPad: UTM SE

New Free Emulator for iPhone and iPad: UTM SE

The new free computer emulator, UTM SE, is now available in the App Store for Apple’s iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro. This em...

Εικόνα 7

New Feature in the Photos App with iOS 18: Recovery of Lost and Damaged Images

In iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS Sequoia, the Photos app is incorporating a new feature that promises to help users in retrieving l...

Apple Weather σε iPhone, iPad και Mac: Αποκαλύφθηκαν Λεπτομέρειες για Νέες Χρήσιμες Αλλαγές

Apple Weather on iPhone, iPad and Mac: Details Revealed for New Useful Changes

In the context of upgrades introduced with iOS 18, Apple adds two new features to the built-in Weather app. The first upgrade ...

iPhone 17: Μάλλον Δεν θα Χρησιμοποιεί το Πρώτο 2nm Τσιπ της TSMC

iPhone 17: Probably Won’t Use TSMC’s First 2nm Chip

Reports that the iPhone 17, expected to be released next year, will incorporate TSMC’s next-generation 2nm process, are unt...

Έτσι θα Μοιάζει το Νέο "Οικονομικό" iPhone της Apple!

This is What the New “Economical” iPhone from Apple Will Look Like!

For several months now, rumors have been circulating that Apple is preparing an extra model beyond the expected iPhone 16 to be p...

Η Apple Ετοιμάζει Ένα Υπερβολικά Λεπτό iPhone 17 με Μόνο Μία Κάμερα!

Apple is Preparing an Extremely Thin iPhone 17 with Only One Camera!

The rumors about the release of an ultra-thin iPhone from Apple are becoming increasingly intense, with reliable analyst Ming-Chi...

iOS 18: Άνοιγμα εφαρμογών χωρίς ξεκλείδωμα της συσκευής

iOS 18: Opening applications without unlocking the device

Apart from improvements to Apple Intelligence, iOS 18 brings many new features that are not based on artificial intelligence and ...

Το HomePod της Apple Έσωσε Οικογένεια από Φωτιά που Προκάλεσε ο Σκύλος τους

Apple’s HomePod Saved a Family from a Fire Caused by their Dog

Apple’s HomePod prevented a tragedy in Colorado, alerting a family to a fire caused by their dog. On June 26, the Colora...

iPhone 17 Pro Max: Το πρώτο με τρεις φακούς κάμερας 48MP

iPhone 17 Pro Max: The first with three 48MP camera lenses

The iPhone 17 Pro Max, which is expected to be released next year, will feature an upgraded Tetraprism 48-megapixel camera, offer...

Η Apple στοχεύει στην πώληση 90 εκατομμυρίων iPhone 16 το 2024

Apple aims to sell 90 million iPhone 16 in 2024

It’s rumored that the iPhone 16 series will consist of four models, as Apple has accustomed us to over recent years. The co...

Ενσύρματη φόρτιση 40W και ασύρματη MagSafe 20W για τα iPhone 16 Pro

Wired charging 40W and wireless MagSafe 20W for iPhone 16 Pro

The latest rumors from China suggest that the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will have improvements in charging technology. ...

iPhone 16: Νέα Μπαταρία με Έως και 10% Μεγαλύτερη Πυκνότητα για Αυξημένη Διάρκεια Ζωής

iPhone 16: New Battery with Up to 10% Greater Density for Extended Lifespan

The upcoming iPhone 16 will feature a new battery with a metal casing, offering greater energy density and, consequently, extende...

Η Apple Ξεκινά την Εργασία στο iOS 19 για το Επόμενο Έτος

Apple Starts Work on iOS 19 for Next Year

Apple has already started the development of iOS 19, even though the release of iOS 18 is still about two and a half months away....

Apple AirPods: Φήμες για Ενσωματωμένες Κάμερες

Apple AirPods: Rumors about Integrated Cameras

Apple is reportedly planning to introduce cameras to the AirPods, with the aim of mass-producing renewed headphones with incorpor...

Πιθανές Μεγαλύτερες και Χαμηλότερης Ανάλυσης Οθόνες για το Φθηνότερο Apple Vision Headset

Possible Higher and Lower Resolution Screens for the Cheaper Apple Vision Headset

Apple is considering developing a more affordable headset than the Vision Pro, possibly using larger, lower-resolution screens. A...

1. Apple Intelligence: Νέα Συνδρομητική Υπηρεσία για Πλήρη Πρόσβαση στις Λειτουργίες της Apple AI

Apple Intelligence: New Subscription Service for Full Access to Apple AI Features

This year, Apple is focusing on the marketing of its new products through artificial intelligence, known as Apple Intelligence, w...


How to Cool Down an iPhone When It Overheats

When smartphones get too hot, they start to misbehave and can suffer long-term damage. Overheating can affect the performance of ...


The iPhone 16 Pro Brings Artificial Intelligence to New Heights

During WWDC, Apple announced a series of new tools named Apple Intelligence, which will provide machine learning for connecting a...


Apple Intelligence was presented by Apple during the WWDC Keynote

During the much-anticipated WWDC Keynote, Apple unveiled its new project, Apple Intelligence, which will drastically upgrade the ...


Apple is preparing to bring OLED screens to MacBook Pro in 2026;

According to recent analyses from market research company Omdia, Apple is likely to adopt OLED displays for its future MacBook Pr...


Apple brings Apple TV+ to Android smartphones!

In a surprising move, Apple is preparing to launch the Apple TV application (and Apple TV+) for Android devices. According to a r...

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