The iOS 14.5 software is coming and is available to everyone

Επισκευή iPhone TheFixers

The new iOS update is finally available to all Apple device users iPhone. iOS 14.5, among other updated features, will include the new App Tracking Transparency, which will allow users to choose whether they are tracked by third-party apps and whether they receive online ads. In more detail, if the user does not give his consent, no application will be able to display ads, collecting personal data and preferences.

Επισκευή iPhone TheFixers

Another feature that changes is Siri’s voice. Apple’s digital assistant will no longer have the default tone but there will be the option of a more “human” tone. The range of emojis is enriched, while support is added for AirTags, which were announced recently. Finally, along with iOS 14.5 comes watch OS 7.4, which facilitates the iPhone’s unlocking feature.

To download the new Apple software, choose the following path from your device’s settings: Settings > General > Software Update.
